How To Find Happiness At The Workplace

Last week I referred to the depressed at the workplace in my article, NSSF SUICIDE: What is your purpose in life?

A blogger sent me an email thanking me for the motivation to have a purposeful life.

In my response, I challenged him on why he allowed himself to be unhappy at the workplace to a point of near suicide yet he could do something about his depression. I then shared with him my story that I now share with you.

Our workplace is where we spend our most productive hours in a day. If we are depressed at the workplace, it will affect the quality of our lives.

A few years ago, I was a teacher in one of the Schools in Kampala. I was working so hard to get a promotion but the working condition was so hostile.

I got so frustrated and disgusted with my job. However, I noticed most of the teachers were happy with their jobs and never complained other than a few of my friends.

I then sought the advice of one of the oldest teachers. Mr Musisi (not real name) had been in the profession for more than 30 yrs and was not about to quit. He told me, “The science of being happy at the workplace are in five tasks; I will give you a task each day”. Read More

Happiness: What’s Your Purpose in Life?

As it turns out, I have been accepted to make weekly blog post on a Ugandan based online media outlet.This means instead of posting direct to my blog, I will post on Chimpreports and forward you the link to my post. I consider this a promotion of my writing skills.

HAPPINESS: You look fat and good!

By Aliker David Martin

If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.  ~Elbert Hubbard

I have never been concerned about my diet until I came to America. To look fat is never a bad thing in Africa, instead being fat is associated with being happy and healthy. The poor, sick and unhappy are associated with being skinny. One day, as I complemented my American boss who had just returned from a holiday in America; I told her, “you look fat and good; you must have enjoyed your holiday!” All the Americans laughed as all my African colleagues nodded in recognition. My boss was deeply hurt and that’s when I learnt of the stigma of obesity in America. So how can one be fat and happy? Aware that obesity can be a gene, I will make three suggestions:

Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Too much of everything is always bad. Develop the habit to eat with a purpose. Feed the body with foods and drinks that add nutrients to your body cells. If your body cells are happy, your body organs will function in a balanced way even when you are fat. A happy body is a happy mind.

The body just like a car needs routine check up. There is a great addictive feeling moments after working out. You are less likely to see people walking for good health in Africa. America’s self-drive culture to every location is responsible for your poor health. If you cannot afford signing up at a gym, develop the habit of walking daily to the park. It’s also free to run along pedestrian walkways to improve on your blood flow and physical health. This may not make you skinny but happy with your body.

My final suggestion is to obey your body commands. If that body is responsible for making the money, then use the money to feed the body. Virgil says, “The greatest wealth is health.” Give it rest if it demands sleep. Feed it if it demands food and water it if it feels dehydrated. Lets develop a loving relationship with our body and it will make our cells and selves infinitely happier.

The Happiness nest

By Aliker David Martin

November 25th, 2011

This week, I spent time with a few kids from some of the riches and most affluentfamilies in California. My focus was to find out how different I was compared to them. Suddenly, an idea came in mind; can money buy happiness? Instantly, a friend came in mind. When I met him over a decade ago, he had a small beautiful family. He had enough not to struggle with the basics of life. He had around him friends from all walks of life. Today, he is by any global stands a wealthy man. He spends a lot of time in his business to make more money. He has little time for family and only hangs out with only business friends. Unfortunately, he is less happy. So while I met these folks from some of the riches and most affluent…

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